

Commonwealth Guide to Enhancing Development Through Sport


IHRSA, IHRSA Foundation and the UNESCO Chair have all signed partnership agreements with the US Presidents council on Fitness, sport & Nutrition:


“Recall: Games of the Past – Sports for Today” is a project led by TAFISA, supported by 12 partner organisations coming from all over Europe, that was co-funded by the European Commission from the 1st of January 2014 to the 30th of June 2015 under the 2013 call for actions “European Partnerships on Sport”, and that now continues on its own will.

Project Recall aims to reintroduce Traditional Sports and Games into the daily lives of young people as a means to tackle social challenges of today – including the epidemics of physical inactivity, by documenting and disseminating TSG heritage worldwide. At first centred in Europe, project Recall now focuses on TSG all over the world.


BOKS (Build Our Kids’ Success) is a before school physical activity program designed to get children moving in the morning and spark their brains for a day of learning. BOKS has been enrolled in over 2,200 schools across the globe and reached over 100,000 children, primarily in the United States, Canada, Japan, and South Korea.


International Working Group - Sport for Development and Peace: Report “From the Field: Sport for Development and Peace in Action”


Active Living Research program in Robert Wood Johnson Foundation




In South Sudan, many women suffer from the effects of the 40-year civil war, violence and abuse. SAD’s 2012–2016 ‘Women on the Move’ project is for them. SAD uses sport and play to support 700 women from Kajo Keji district in dealing with their trauma. This handbook was produced for the project. The first – theoretical – part shows why sport and play are suited to psychosocial rehabilitation. The second section is a pocket guide for play leaders in the field: it presents concrete ideas and instructions for play and sport activities with traumatised women, and can be used internationally.
PDF icon SAD - Women on the Move Trauma informed interventions based on Sport and Play A Toolkit 2014 PartI.pdf
After disasters, sport and play help people to regain a sense of normality. However, aid workers on the ground are often unaware of the positive effects of sport on survivors’ mental health. SAD developed the ‘Moving Together’ handbook for them. The handbook explains how aid workers can use sport and play in disaster zones. Concrete examples demonstrate what sport and play activities with traumatised people are like.
PDF icon SAD - Moving Together – Promoting Psychosocial Well-being through Sport and Physical Activity.pdf
These policies have been developed to guide, assist and educate sports’ governing bodies, Governments, media and the general public of the athletes’ position in respect of these important areas. The policies will also inform collective negotiations between the sports and athlete representatives.
PDF icon Australian Athletes Alliance – Policy Platform.pdf