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Home › Scientific Resources › MINEPS VI › Main Policy Area I - Developing a comprehensive vision of inclusive access for allMain Policy Area I - Developing a comprehensive vision of inclusive access for all
To maximise the potential of sport, a unified global vision and policy coherence is required. A strategic vision for sport is a prerequisite for policy development and planning at different levels. For any sport system to be successful, this global vision needs to be broadened through well-formulated programmes, notably to include children, wome, the aged, persons with disabilities, indigenous people, migrants and refugees as well as other minorities. The programmes should not only target these populations but these should actively be involved in their development. The status of sport for all as a fundamental right has an obligation for governments, multi-lateral institutions and others in civil society to ensure that opportunities exist for everyone to participate in sport.
- Publications
- Directory of Sport Science
- Programme Committee General Documents
- Working Group Members
- Meeting Reports and Presentations
- Manual for the Working Groups
- MINEPS Sport Policy Follow-up Framework
- Developing a comprehensive vision of inclusive access for all
- Align with the overall development priorities and the SDG framework
- Establish multi-stakeholder partnerships
- Foster quality physical education and active schools
- Foster the inclusion of youth in decision-making processes
- Enforce gender equality/Empower girls and women
- Foster empowerment and inclusive participation
- Maximising the contributions of sport to sustainable development and peace
- Protecting the integrity of sport
- Poster Exhibition
- Glossary
- MINEPS VI (Français)
- Declarations about Sport
- High Performance Sport
- Physical Education
- Sport and Development
- Physical Activity
- Other Free Resources
- Olympic World Library