Monitoring & Evaluation


Target: A 10% relative reduction in prevalence of insufficient physical activity by 2025                                                                              

Indicators - Prevalence of insufficiently physically active adolescents, defined as less than 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity activity daily - Age-standardized prevalence of insufficiently physically active persons aged 18+ years (defined as less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, or equivalent)  National Capacity Assesment                            

- % of WHO member states have an integrated multisectoral NCD plans addressing physical activity 

- % of countries that have an operational policy, strategy or action plans on physical activity                                                                       

- % of countries conducting a national awareness campaign on physical activity


Self-Assesment Tools

NCD STEPS Survey, National Country Capacity Survey



Street dedicated to the practice of sport (Paris, June 2016)