Experts beginning with "L"

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4 expert(s) found.
Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education
Thiruvananthapuram, India
A Physical Education College under Sports Authority of India

Research, Teaching

Adapted Physical Activity, Biomechanics, Coaching Performance, Exercise Physiology, Kinanthropometry, Kinematics and/or Kinetics, Physical Education, Prevention of Injuries/Diseases, Sport and Coaching, Sport Pedagogy, Sport Psychology, Sports Medicine, Strategic Management

Latvian Academy of Sport Education
Riga, Latvia
LASE is the only higher education institution in Latvian which coordinates and conducts research in sport, as well as educates sports science specialists. So far, scientific activity has mainly been carried out in the Departments of the Academy, but now several scientific research institutes with their own laboratories are formed, such as the Sports Science Institute, Recreation and Environment Institute, Teacher Education Development Institute, Institute of Movement Ergonomics.


Physical Education, Rehabilitation, Sport and Coaching, Sport Management, Sport Pedagogy, Sports Medicine

English, Latvian
Lithuanian Sports University - LSU
Kaunas, Lithuania
Tertiary Level University

Research, Teaching

Adapted Physical Activity, Coaching Performance, Exercise Physiology, High Performance Sport, Physical Activity and Ageing, Physical Education, Public Health, Rehabilitation, Sport and Coaching, Sport and Disability, Sport Management, Sport Pedagogy, Sport Psychology, Traditional Sport and Games

Loughborough University, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Prof. Dr Richard Giulianotti
Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1509 22 63 02

Consultancy, Curriculum Development, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Teaching

Adapted Physical Activity, Biomechanics, Coaching Performance, Diversity, Elite Sport, Equality and Equity in Sport, Ethics and Integrity in Sport, Exercise Physiology, Grass Roots Sport, High Performance Sport, Inclusion, Kinanthropometry, Kinematics and/or Kinetics, Motor Behaviour, Physical Activity and Ageing, Physical Education, Prevention of Injuries/Diseases, Public Health, Rehabilitation, Safeguarding, Sport and Coaching, Sport and Disability, Sport and Gender, Sport Economics, Sport Entrepreneurship, Sport for All, Sport for Development, Sport Governance, Sport Management, Sport Marketing, Sport Pedagogy, Sport Philosophy, Sport Psychology, Sport Sociology, Sports Medicine, Strategic Management, Technical Infrastructure
