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Commonwealth Guide to Enhancing Development Through Sport
International Working Group - Sport for Development and Peace: Report “From the Field: Sport for Development and Peace in Action”
Good practice
Guatemala Hoodlinks hybrid sports programme for life skills development and violence prevention
- Tunisia new educational plan towards combatting violence and intollerance (integrating value based education and PA)
- Jordan leadership programme for refugees
- Zimbabwe Chingwizi disaster response and social development programme;
- COE compendium of projects aimed at facilitating the integration of migrants through sport;
- PLAY International Sport4Youth project
Racism and discrimination affect society at large, and football is no exception. Their impact on our sport is undeniable. FIFA recognises its responsibility to lead the way in abolishing all forms of discrimination in our game, but also to make the most of the influence football has beyond the pitch, thereby contributing to the fight against this scourge of society. FIFA’s position on the issue is unequivocal: there is no place for racism or for any form of discrimination in football, as clearly described in the FIFA Statutes and several of FIFA’s regulations and codes. FIFA is committed to fighting discrimination in football in all its forms.

FIFA recognises and embraces its responsibility to lead the way in the global fight against discrimination in football. While this fight also relies on the implementation of measures by FIFA member associations at the national and local level, FIFA is striving to provide the appropriate framework for the eradication of discrimination throughout the football community.

Since 2002 PL4Y International (PI) actions in Kosovo are directed towards Kosovo’s youth. They aim to contribute to the social inclusion of all youth and children - especially the most vulnerable, through sport, physical activities and games. Since 2008, PL4Y International has been implementing the Sport4Youth project. Thanks to the project, in the last years a multi - ethnic network of hundred young sport animators has been created and consolidated. The volunteers trained by PI have been organizing inclusive sport activities for the children of their localities and participating to cross - communities events. The current report reflects the final evaluation of the Sport4Youth 2015 project. It details the objectives achieved in the framework of the Sport4Youth project as well as the main difficulties faced during the year. Finally the report proposes some recommendations for future actions.

- Publications
- Directory of Sport Science
- Programme Committee General Documents
- Working Group Members
- Meeting Reports and Presentations
- Manual for the Working Groups
- MINEPS Sport Policy Follow-up Framework
- Developing a comprehensive vision of inclusive access for all
- Maximising the contributions of sport to sustainable development and peace
- Improve health and well-being for all, at all ages (SDG 3)
- Provide quality education and promote lifelong learning for all (SDG 4)
- Advance gender equality and empower all women and girls (SDG 5)
- Promote economic growth and full and productive employment and work for all (SDG 8)
- Build peaceful, inclusive and equitable societies (SDG 10 & 16)
- Make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable (SDG 11)
- Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns and take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (SDG 12 and 13)
- Build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (SDG 16)
- Protecting the integrity of sport
- Poster Exhibition
- Glossary
- MINEPS VI (Français)
- Declarations about Sport
- High Performance Sport
- Physical Education
- Sport and Development
- Physical Activity
- Other Free Resources
- Olympic World Library