The project, WINDOP, Understanding and Promoting Whistleblowing on Doping Irregularities in the EU aimed to promote the act of whistle-blowing on doping offences in competitive sports. WIN-DOP helped to understand the organisational and personal factors of whistle-blowing, such as, the extent to which European NADOs engage in good practices on whistle-blowing and the factors that influence whistle-blowing behaviours. Furthermore, WIN-DOP aimed to promote whistle-blowing across European member states by developing pedagogical material to encourage whistle-blowing and providing policy guidelines for best practice on whistle-blowing in relation to doping.
The project responded to the European Union’s priority area of reducing doping within sport. It also relates to the European Union’s and WADA’s priorities by increasing knowledge on whistle-blowing and inform EU policy. The project findings were diffused to the academic community, sports and health professionals, and public stakeholders involved in the development of anti-doping policy and anti-doping prevention.
The WIN-DOP project ran from January 2020 to December 2022.