Sport Values in Every Classroom (ENG / FRA / ESP)

The mission of this toolkit is to assist teachers in their work to instil in children the values of respect, equity and inclusion through engaging activities. 


The 30 activity cards have been designed to look like a short lesson plan, be simple to use and promote movement – while being easily incorporated into any classroom or curriculum.There are three sets of activity cards, one for each core value: respect, equity and inclusion.


You can use any card to conduct one-off activities, or to support your existing curriculum, depending on your needs. There are cross-curricular links and activities suggested throughout.


The toolkit is available in English, French and Spanish and can be downloaded below. 


The English toolkit is also available as a hard copy and can be ordered from the ICSSPE office. 


Sport Values in Every Classroom - English Toolkit
PDF icon Sport Values in Every Classroom_English SViEC PDF.pdf
Les Valeurs du Sport dans Chaque Class - French Toolkit
PDF icon Les Valeurs Du Sport Dans Chaque Classe_French SViEC.pdf
Los Valores del Deporte en Cada Aula - Spanish Toolkit
PDF icon Los Valores Del Deporte en Cada Aula_Spanish SViEC.pdf