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Home › Scientific Resources › MINEPS VI › Protecting the integrity of sport › Protect children, youth and other vulnerable groupsProtect children, youth and other vulnerable groups
Children, youth and women are particularly vulnerable to being exposed to risks of maltreatment, abuse or neglect, impairment to their health and development, and circumstances that run counter to the provision of safe and effective care (SDG 5.2). This can include abuse, sexual exploitation and misconduct, trafficking, and violence (SGD 16.2). These phenomena undermine fundamental human rights, and run counter to the spirit of sport. Strategies and practices grounded on positive relationships and mutual respect, honest communication, just and proportionate response, mitigation and contingency, are necessary conditions of healthy and sustainable sport for all.
- Publications
- Directory of Sport Science
- Programme Committee General Documents
- Working Group Members
- Meeting Reports and Presentations
- Manual for the Working Groups
- MINEPS Sport Policy Follow-up Framework
- Developing a comprehensive vision of inclusive access for all
- Maximising the contributions of sport to sustainable development and peace
- Protecting the integrity of sport
- Poster Exhibition
- Glossary
- MINEPS VI (Français)
- Declarations about Sport
- High Performance Sport
- Physical Education
- Sport and Development
- Physical Activity
- Other Free Resources
- Olympic World Library