Journal of Sport for Development

The Scientific Perspective
24/02/2014 10:28

We welcome the UN General Assembly's declaration of 6 April as the International Day for Sport for Development and Peace. This marks yet another important milestone for the sector, which has seen tremendous growth and progress in the last decade. Stakeholders across the sector--practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and advocates--should honour this day by renewing their commitment to achieving social impact through their work, whether working to prevent disease, resolve conflicts, or improve livelihoods for disadvantaged youth. The declaration is not only an acknowledgement of the growing importance of the sector internationally but also a recognition of its potential to continue to play a significant role in years to come in furthering international health, development and human rights.


It was this potential that motivated us--an international voluntary team of researchers and practitioners based in 6 countries on 4 continents--to launch the Journal of Sport for Development (JSFD) in 2012. JSFD is the first peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to exclusively publishing research on Sport for Development. Issues I and II can be found online at All articles are freely open to the public. We invite submission of original research, case studies and editorials on sport for development programmes around the world. The International Day for Sport for Development and Peace provides us an opportunity to not only reflect on the success and growth of the sector to date, but also to reflect on the need for better evidence and more critical, open dialogue on what works.


Zak Kaufman |