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ICSSPE’s financial strategy aims at developing a sustainable long-term plan that balances income and expenses. A team within ICSSPE will be selected and tasked with this process. An audit of all financial statements is submitted to the Executive Board (Article 11.2 of ICSSPE’s Statutes). In addition, ICSSPE’s Treasurer completes an annual report (Ad Article 8.1 ICSSPE Bylaws). Audited financial statements are also to be presented to the General Assembly (Ad Articles 7.1, 7.7 and 11.3 of ICSSPE’s Bylaws).
Prior to implementing any changes, a complete analysis of all revenue streams is to be conducted. Based on the results a new financial plan will be developed. The plan will include a range of measures to secure revenue and manage spending. ICSSPE’s annual financial objectives and key performance indicators are to:
- Develop a list of 3 to 5 additional viable revenue sources;
- Submit and complete 3 to 5 grants to identified sources of revenue annually;
- Submit and complete 3 to 5 research grants annually;
- Submit and complete 3 sponsorship proposals annually;
- Procure all membership fees from existing ICSSPE members on time (Ad Article 5 of ICSSPE’s Bylaws);
- Approach and procure 3 donations from beneficiaries;
- Utilise ICSSPE’s products and brand to generate income.
These measures, amongst others, will be part of the annual budget. In parallel, ICSSPE will develop a financial contingency plan with steps and measures to respond to a change in income. problems. All measures combined ensure transparency of ICSSPE’s finances and accountability for its actions.
The following officers and staff members are leading on this Key Performance Area:
Dr Uri Schaefer, President
Dr Uri Schaefer has been leading ICSSPE since 2014. With his experience at the interface of research, education and policy development, the ICSSPE President is a welcome guest speaker at many international events. He is a strong promoter of low-threshold and equal access to physical activity for all members of society. He is a 1998 recipient of the Israel Olympic Committee Award for Outstanding Leadership and Contribution to Coach Education, and was elected to the International Jewish Hall of Fame in 2017.
You can contact him at uschaefer/at/
Safet Ceku, Finance Assistant
Safet Ceku serves as part time Finance Assistant at the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) since 2023. With a primary focus on overseeing ICSSPE finance affairs, Safet‘s dedication extends to various sport-related topics, alongside organizational tasks and challenges.
You can contact him at sceku/at/