Diverse and Inclusive Teams for Children Under 12

DITEAM12 Final Presentation Online
03/02/2022 15:16

The DITEAM12 project findings and the educational tool developed during the project period last year was presented in the final project meeting in December 2021.


Watch the final presentations on the ICSSPE YouTube channel here . 


For more information and to access the material developed, head to the ICSSPE project website.


Direct Links to the Material:

Literature Review

School of Coaches

School of Parents


About DITEAM12

DITEAM12 is an Erasmus+ project and stands for ‘Diverse and Inclusive Teams for Children Under 12’.


The project’s objectives are to raise awareness on the positive aspects of non-competitive sports for children under 12, create inclusive and diverse clubs and use inclusion and diversity in sport clubs as tools to prevent violence and intolerance. During this project, a consortium of several professional organisations worked on the development of educational material, especially for coaches and parents.


The DITEAM12 European Partnership is composed of the European Paralympic Committee, Informa Psicología y Deporte (Spain), International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education, Mi Hijo y Yo (Spain), Schola Empirica (Czech Republic), and the Pedagoški inštitut (Slovenia).


The project ran from January 2020 to December 2021.