
ICSSPE membership

At the heart of all ICSSPE activities are its members. ICSSPE members form the General Assembly, which includes approximately 230 national and international organisations and institutions of sport, sport science and physical education.

Benefits and services

Being a member of ICSSPE offers an effective and valuable opportunity to become internationally involved and supported in the broad fields of sports science and physical education, and to co-operate with colleagues in these fields. In addition ICSSPE member organisations also enjoy a range of benefits and services including:

  • Membership of a respected and dynamic organisation of international standing;
  • Collaboration with a unique multidisciplinary and global network of approximately 300 members;
  • Expert knowledge in all sport science disciplines brought together in a single network;
  • Contact, cooperation and transfer of knowledge between all members of the ICSSPE network;
  • Interdisciplinary exchange of information on relevant research results, innovations, publications, projects, initiatives as well as scientific congresses and other global events;
  • Opportunities to release publications together with other members;
  • Reduced participation rate for ICSSPE events;
  • Discounts on ICSSPE publications and subscriptions;
  • Opportunities for ICSSPE patronage and financial support of scientific activities.

Membership categories and fee:

  • governmental sport, health and education authorities: 450 €;
  • non-governmental sport organisations: 270 €;
  • scientific and educational organisations and institutions: 270 €.

The membership application form can be found below.