No. 41 CD-ROM

Edited 06 2004

ISSN: 1728-5909

Feature: Pre-Olympic Congress and the Olympics


Feature Articles: Abstracts from Pre-Olympic Congress 1.Evolving concepts in ethics and professionalization of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2. Life-stage Transitions and Physical Activity in Australian Women. 3. Acute and chronic changes of the transcription of the muscle genome as a consequence of exercise training. 4. Career Planning and Development in Disability Sport 5. Ethics in Sport and Global Ethics. 6. Physical Education and Sport as an intervention to prevent crime and moral degredation among young adults. 7.Relationships between perceived motivaltional climate, parental support/pressure and enjoyment. Also “Sport Science and the Olympics: An Historical Perspective” by G. King, “Teaching Olympism in Schools“ by Deanna Binder and "The Pedagogical Foundations of Olympic Sport“ by O. Gruppe, edited by D. Jones.


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