No. 65 CD-ROM

Edited 10 2013

ISSN: 1728-5909

Feauture: Physical Literacy


Welcome to issue No. 65 of ICSSPE’s Bulletin, which provides a Special Feature on the concept of physical literacy and its role in the context of physical education, physical activity and sport. The section contains contributions on various aspects of the concept including its historical background and definition; pedagogical implications; physical literacy throughout different phases in life and with regard to particular populations; the relationship of physical literacy with coaching, health or creativity; the role of physical literacy in teacher education; and the profile of physical literacy in a number of countries. The Special Feature was designed, compiled and reviewed by Margaret Whitehead and Symeon Dagkas, both of whom are outstanding experts in the field. I would like to thank them for their great commitment and dedication.


We are pleased to offer you now the issues of the Bulletin No. 65. Please download the file here.