European School Sports Day - Save the Date: 30 Sept
What if every child could #BeActive in school with sport and play? What if every school took one day to celebrate sport in Europe? Could it help students to kick-off a lifetime of health? We say YES. Join the #BeActive European Week of Sport and the European School Sports Day on 30 September 2022.
Plenty of research shows that #Being active makes students healthier and better learners in the classroom. School spirit improves too with fun and inclusive team sports. Does your school have a sports day? Organise one with the resources offered by the European School Sports Day Initiative.
What makes your day ESSD official?
Getting your school to #BeActive for at least 120 minutes. Run or walk the distance of the given year (e.g. 2022 meters in 2022). Running, hopping, skipping, dancing: any kind of physical activity counts.
For more information and to download available resources to get involved, head here: