Greens Team Workshop

29/01/2024 21:07


The Erasmus+ project Green Teams held its one-day sustainability workshop for all project partners. The workshop was organised and delivered by Sustainability Coordinator of La Calle es Tuya Gisela Ibáñez, one of the project partners, with the aim to empower the consortium to improve sustainable practices in their organisations.


The workshop aimed at informing project partners about common mistakes in waste management and to diversify sources of information on sustainable practices at individual and organisational levels.  


About the Green Team Project

The Green Team project aims to raise awareness among stakeholders on the significance of environmentally friendly and inclusive sport events. In addition, the project will develop a sustainability seal for sport confederations and federations in Europe. 


Green teams is led by the Union of Sport Federations of Catalonia (UFEC) in Spain. Other project partners include Sport and Citizenship (France), Latvian Sport Federation Padome (Latvia), Union of Lithuanian Sports Federation (Lithuania), Associaion ECOSERVAS (Spain), Romanian Ministry of Youth and Sports (Romania), Ala de Nun Alvares de Gondomar (Portugal), Peti Pas (Italy), Uniao das Freguerias de Gondomar Valbom e Jovim (Portugal), and Meutica Cooperativa de Ensino Superior (Portugal). The three years project runs from 2022 to 2025. 


For more information see the project website HERE.