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INTERCOMP - First Project Meeting Successfully Held
13/12/2022 15:20
The INTERCOMP project has the objective to develop intercultural competencies of school educators, university educators and in informal education. The aim is to develop a relevant educational course to address the needs of educators interacting with students from various cultural backgrounds including migrants and refugees. In the first instance, the focus will be on primary and secondary schools.
As part of the project, 40 educators will be recruited in each of the five partner countries (Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Greece, Cyprus). Educators with an awareness on intercultural education will also be recruited as advisors for the content and delivery mode of the educational material. A group of refugee students will also be interviewed.
Project partners of this ERASMUS+ co-funded project include Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), ICSSPE, the Free University of Bolzano (Italy), the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (Cyprus), the First Experimental Primary School of Thessaloniki (Greece) and the University of Limerick (Ireland).
Project partners will collect data in their countries, conduct and participate in multiplier and dissemination events and design and execute quality assurance methodology of the project with the final aim to develop policy recommendations by the end of 2024.
Further information can be found here