Promoting Whistleblowing in Doping

WIN-DOP Online event
08/11/2022 16:32

ICSSPE will hold an online event entitled Promoting Whistleblowing in Doping: Evidence from the WIN-DOP project on 22nd of November 2022.


The ICSSPE Executive Office will present key findings from the project as well as guidelines for sport stakeholders. Vassilis Barkoukis, Associate Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, will also share research evidence as one of the WIN-DOP project partners.


Topic: Promoting Whistleblowing in Doping: Evidence from the WIN-DOP Project

Date: 22nd November 2022

Time: 13:00-14:00 CET

Registration Link:


WIN-DOP is one of the Erasmus+ projects ICSSPE is currently engaged in which aims to understand the personal and organisational factors that influence whistleblowing in doping. As part of its tasks in the 9 project partners consortium, ICSSPE produces guidelines for whistleblowing in doping for sport federations, National Antidoping organisations and policy makers. The three-years project, which ends in December this year was led by the University of Hull in the United Kingdom. Other members of the consortium include Aristotle University of Thessalonica, Greece; Anti-Doping Agency of Serbia, Serbia; National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest, Romania; Romanian National Anti-doping Agency, Romania; Mary Immaculate College, Ireland; Spanish Agency for Health Protection in Sports, Spain and KEA Fair Play Code Hellas, Greece.


You can register for the event through the link above or our social media platforms.