Next ICSSPE online event: Bridging the gap of women in sport leadership

26/02/2024 11:19

ICSSPE will organise an roundtable with key women in sport leadership on March 22.


The event will be held as part of events marking International Women´s Day and a key deliverable in our Erasmus+ project GAP-Women which intends to promote the participation of women in sport. The event will highlight ICSSPE´s efforts to promote women in sport through its publications and activities. In addition, results of the literature review, survey and focus group discussions held in the context of the GAP-Women project which map out the challenges faced by women in various areas of sport will be shared. This will be followed by a roundtable with women in leadership positions from all over the world. The event will be chaired by Ruth Crabtree, our Development Committee member and Head of Sheffield Hallam University´s Academy of Sport and Physical Activity.


Do keep an eye on our social media platforms for details of registration to the event.