10th ICCE Global Coach Conference

Start Time: 
Sunday, 23 August, 2015 - 11:15 to Tuesday, 25 August, 2015 - 11:15


Theme: Coach and Athlete Empowerment: a winning combination.

Call for abstracts:

Abstracts must be in English, APA style and of up to 400 words excluding references.

Topics should focus on effective coaching, coach education, coach development and good practice. Relevant topics include Recruitment and Retention of Coaches; Professionalisation and the Coaching Job Market; Conceptual Issues in Coach Education; Measuring the impact and effectiveness of coach education; Women in Coaching; Ethical Issues in Coaching; Teaching Methods and Technology etc.

Submission: by December 15, 2014 (The ICCS Research Committee, S.Lara-Bercialicce.ws)

Conference Location: 
Vierumäki, Finland
The International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) and Vierumäki-the Sport Institute of Finland

Karen Livingstone (k.livingstoneicce.ws)

Conference website: http://www.icce-2015.com/