Agita Mundo – World Day of Physical Activity

Start Time: 
Monday, 6 April, 2015 - 10:00 to 13:00

It is less than a month until the 2015 World Day for Physical Activity, on 6 April. The central topic for this year is Sedentarism is a Disease; Physical Activity is Health.


Agita Mundo and CELAFISCS are inviting everybody to participate in the Global Virtual Walking: On 6 April, around 10 am Sao Paulo time everybody is asked to use their social network to advocate for physical activity, e.g.: Have you taken your 30 minutes of physical activity today?


Please register all activities for the 14th World Day of Physical Activity at the website, where you receive more information about this annual day.


In 2001, the 54th World Health Assembly decided that the 2002 World Health Day would be used to promote physical activity. Since then, 6 April has become the World Day of Physical Activity.


For further information, please contact Victor Matsudo at

Agita Mundo and CELAFISCS