2013 International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity

11/07/2011 10:10


Held biennially, the 19th International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA), will be hosted by Yeditepe University in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-23 July, 2013.


The theme for this symposium will be Bridging the Gaps and will address the gaps between theory and practice, people with and without disability, academics from different disciplines, and academics and staff working in practice from around the world.


Specific objectives of the event include:


  • Promotion of interdisciplinary dialogue between researchers and practitioners within the field of Adapted Physical Activity;
  • Presentation of good examples in Adapted Physical Activity teaching-training;
  • Presentation of forum of good practical examples in Adapted Physical Activity;
  • Dissemination and discussion of recent scientific and technological advances in adapted physical education and related areas.


The participation of people with disabilities is particularly encouraged to ensure that adapted physical activity professionals remain in touch with the people and the needs they wish to serve.


For more information, please click here